Sunday, September 03, 2006


You Are Banana Pocky

Your attitude: fun and lighthearted
Unique and unforgettable
You are cutie everyone falls for

Pocky is a snack that is everywhere... I`ve been known to eat some, but have never seen the banana variety. Hmmm....

Surreal moment of the weekend: Doing the Macarena at a salsa club with a ton of Shakira-hip-swinging Japanese folks.


R4F43L said...

So surreal like my english...i saw the last picture and u have a big nose than japanese people...
Hughes from PerĂº.

Anonymous said...

What? Who the heck is Hughes from Peru?

Rachel said...

Good question. Don`t know a Hughes from Peru. It rhymes though.

Brooke said...

Did you hear that the Crocodile Hunter died?

R4F43L said...

i am sorry my native language is spanish...
Hughes = best wishes??
heck ???
Peru = a country
do you know machine language?
0011 1010 0110 1001 ...
best wishes again :)

Rachel said...

Crocodile Hunter news is shocking! What terrible luck.

And do I know you, r4f43l? Or did you just find my blog? Buenos dias either way.

R4F43L said...

I find you in the is a way for learn english.
Buenas noches...good night now...

Carly said...

I like Pocky. Yum. It's unbelievably cheap at the Asian Food Market. Speaking of, I need more rice. Last time I bought some there they looked at me like I had 3 heads when I told them I could carry the 10 pound bag by myself. I guess I must be a beast.

Rachel said...

What`s crazy is that rice here is unbelievably expensive to buy in a big bag like that. It`s government controlled and seems rather ridiculous for rice. Aren`t we in Asia? I don`t have a rice cooker yet, but found these great microwave packages. Yum!

Do you have Men`s Pocky? Funny name. I think they`re just bigger portions. :)

Rachel said...

Hey, how random! This guy from work just gave me a bag of rice. Don`t know why or how to cook it here, but hey! great!

Carly said...

Not sure if you're still reading comments on this post... but I had a chinese girl who worked in my lab tell me how to cook rice. Fill the bottom of the pan with a layer of rice. Rinse the rice a few times with water. Fill up the pan to your first knuckle with water. Cook with the lid on. It worked for her when she taught me. Hasn't worked for me yet...